Saturday, September 24, 2011

Recently i realized i have a unique interest in genre of songs, perhaps no one else has similar taste as me. Being unique and diverse is good in a sense, but sometimes i get the feeling i cant relate much to others in terms of songs they listen to. I believe some of the favorite songs many people listen to are english pop songs, or maybe technos and rocks, with artistes such as GaGa, Justin Beiber, Katy Perry and perhaps that shuffling song. Chinese pop songs, say artistes Jay chou, SHE, etc.

They are all nice songs. but i dont really like English songs at all, for some odd reasons. I'd prefer songs of other languages, country, sentimental, anime-styles. and what kind of songs do i listen to, u'd might ask. well, this post is dedicated to the list of my favorites, at the moment.

Language of songs i listen to:
1) Japanese
2) Chinese
3) Hokkien
4) Korean (a bit only)

1) Sentimental
2) Anime
3) Christian
4) Instrumental
3) Oldies (starting to appreciate)

Fav. Band:
FictionJunction YUUKA.
FictionJunction is a girl band that sings mostly for anime. the singers have strong vocals.
among the vocalists, Yuuka is by far the best and the most prettiest. i came across this band becasue of my love for Gundam Seed series.

This band was newly formed not long ago, with its vocalists branching out from the former FictionJunction. and the main person behind the former and the latter is none other than Yuki Kajiura. she is one of the most genius music producer in the anime industry, but not that famous outside the circle.

Chinese: Luo Zhi Xiang
I liked his songs not because he can dance well, but his song lyrics are really meaningful. he is also one of the most hardworking artiste in his industry. Growing up with him was fun.

English Band for whatever genre:
Celtic Women.

Hokkien; Jiang Hui
Most prolific hokkien singer in Taiwan. Some of her songs are easy to pick up.

Favorite Oldies Songs
Ieraishian (夜来香)
Ame no Yo no Hana (雨夜花)

Songs Currently into:
Noriko Mitose
- Hanayome Ningyo (bride doll)
- Volevo Un Gatto Nero 「黒猫のタンゴ」
- Shalom Chaverim

Noriko Mitose probably an unknown Japanese artiste, but she has christian backgrounds.
Her songs are, well, intriguing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

今年的教会生活营到槟城,是第二次到那里, 以往年参与过的不同。

这次是自己一个到那里游玩。在这四天三夜里,我从讲道中学习到了很多, 所以就分享那时第三天的见证。

本来想用第三天去看槟城, 一些地方我一直都很想去的。 槟城北部的自然保护区公里的灯塔, 还有槟城西部的 balik pulau看日落。我有去过那里山上有个泰国餐馆,美景望着槟城西部。 我熟系路程,所以星期天晚上睡觉前, 就找了营长来谈我的计划。

可是最终由于营长以父母立场下,不放心一个人到自然保护区公走一趟,就没去了。只是下午到balik pulau 看日落。就自己搭公共巴士到KOMTAR 让后专车到那里。 不要看槟城岛小;整个路程花了2 小时从东部到西部。巴士走在上山时,里面乘客篇只有我一个人。

到了山上才发现其实餐馆在山上更上面, 又爬了了12 公里。累死了。边爬边看着风景,又看到了那时讲员 苏志青牧师提过的榴莲树有放网的, 蛮有趣的。然后偶尔有车上下波,感觉自己爬的像白痴似的。

然后到了那餐馆是5 点。但为了赶回来参与赞美敬拜和讲道8点开始, 只待了1 时那里,边吃晚餐,边看日落。 后来要下山时,餐馆的老板,一位老伯好心,骑着摩托车带我下山等巴士回城。下波时有哪个会倒下来,会飞的感觉,还蛮刺激的。可是山下等巴士还真需要忍耐,等了40分。上巴士时,就接近8点了。我心里开始紧张,在想SIAO LIAO, 赶不来,回到酒店会怎样。到了komtar9点出, 就立刻找公共电话联络营长手机报安,就是刚好又没接。之后到了酒店就接近10点了。。

虽然最后晚的信息最重要的,没赶到,但在这些事情发生当中, 其实神让我操练了凭信; 这营会里一直都在讨论的信息。让我真正领悟到信心的绊脚石:舒适,自我,恐惧。 整个过程中,当我完全凭着信心依靠神时,心里是平安的。


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hi. im back to blogspot, after some 2 years of hiatus. :)