Wednesday, January 02, 2008

its a new year today. its good to have new year resolutions at the beginning of the year. i

remembered my secendary school teachers would always help us set a target score for our

academics, thou i always fail to meet the requirements i set for myself, at the end of that year.. but

i hope this year would be different from last time, and even better.

My New Year Resolution for 2008

1)Get better school grades; at least an A for 1 subject. its depressing that i keep getting stagnently low scores.

2)Learn Jap. it has always been my interest to learn that language, eversince i graduated. but i dunno if i have the drive to keep it goin..

3)Get my Driving liscense. Im gonna take my driving lessons this year. hope i can pass by this year. lol

4)Build up my body. im so skinny and i shld go workout at the gym.. and maybe drink weight gainer..

5)Meet more new friends and make stronger bonds with my exsisting friends. expcially the younger ones..

last but not least, i wished everyone a blessed new year, and...


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